In A mano Manaba we believe that the best way to confront hardships is in community, cooperating with each other to achieve our goals. Since our founding, we have had the enormous luck of having wonderful friends who have helped us dream a better Don Juan. We hope to continue twith the on board for a long while and we take this opportunity to thank them. Without you none of this would be possible!

Ayuda Directa
Started in 2001 through the initiative of a group of people from different nationalities. Ayuda Directa started to operate on the ecuadorian highlands in May of that year. They focused their assistance in the educational and health sector, improving the quality of life of those most in need. Their purpose is to run programs and projects in collaboration with the local population and their local institutions, giving an efficient use to their available resources, showing respect to their culture and traditions.
As an inmediate response to the earthquake that hit Manabí, Ayuda Directa set out to build 17 houses in Bellavista, Don Juan. As part of their ongoing effort to optimize their resources, the saw in A mano manaba the possibility of a continuation of their efforts in Manabía. This is how María Espinosa, Verónica Falconí and Alejandra Gómez arrived to advise us and help us both legally and economically in order to legally found A mano Manaba.

Grupo Randi Randi Corporation
Grupo Randi Randi is an Ecuadorian, private, and non-profit corporation. It was created back in 2000 with the mission of fomenting the conservation of natural resources, sustainable development, and social and gender equality. It promotes research and technical assistance for local communities and organizations found in threatened ecosystems. The group adopted the Randi Randi expression -"giving and giving" from the kichwa language-, "because it expresses a sense of reciprocity that feeds our work: we offer our knowledge, support and experience knowing that they will be well received and returned in one way or another"
Susan Poats, through Randi Randi, provided us with advice, walked with us, fundraised for us and opened an institutional umbrella to start a crowdfunding campaign with Global Giving. She has been instrumental as a friend and colleague while we learn the ropes of a non-profit organization.
Susan Poats, a través de Randi Randi, nos brindó asesoría, acompañamiento y abrió un paraguas institucional para cobijarnos como ONG mientras aprendemos el teje-maneje de una organización sin fines de lucro.

Girándula is a non-profit association, representing the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY). It brings together writers, illustrators, editorials, bookstores, librarians, cultural promoters and people involved with children and young people's literature in the country. They promote understanding through books for children and young people, and facilitate opportunities for these groups to gain access to books with high quality literature and artistic content. They also provide support and education for people that work with children and young people with books conceived for them, as well as they help motivate research and development of projects related to children and young people's literature.
Girándula donated the first bibliographic fund with which we started to open A mano Manaba library. They are commited with our project and through their continued visits provide us with Childrens books and material.

Webnode is a very friendly platform web page design. After hearing about our mission, they have given us great discounts for their design platform and to host our webpage.
Friedskilde Family
Elisabeth and her family arrived in Don Juan from Denmark to spend vacations. They were immediately interested in what we were doing in the Library and since then they have not stopped collaborating with this project.
Shortly after returning to their home in Copenhagen, they called us to let us know that they had obtained a substantial donation to complete the construction and equipment of the Intercultural Center. They have returned to work as volunteers and we always look forward to their warm return to Don Juan.